
16 February 2011

PURSE* - my latest sewing project!

I was looking for a purse which would fit all the necessities of life into one convenient package. I wasn't very happy with what I found in local shops :( One was too small, the other one was big enough but the style or colors weren't great, .. So then I asked myself why don't you create one by yourself ??? At first I liked the idea but after few hours of measuring, cutting, sewing, sweating and coursing I realized it wasn't such a great idea ... BUT I did it finally and here is the result! Hope you like it :)   

I have designed this purse in a way that will comfortably fits my cash, cards, mobile phone and whatever else I need to put inside. So it has become clutch more than wallet heh :)  

I am planning to make smaller version of this purse and display it in my shop. I might change fabric and style slightly. If you have any ideas & advises  how to improve it please leave a comment!  


  1. Prve co ma napadlo je - Fiiiha. Vyzera to tak, ze o chvilku si otvoris prvu malu tovarnicku. Drzim palce ;)

  2. I just love this! What a great idea!

  3. It looks great!
    Lookin forward to seeing them in your shop.
    BTW I found you through the etsy ireland forum, lovely blog

  4. hope we like it???
    it´s perfect!!!
    veeelmi sa mi lubi tvoja idea a taktiez aj konecny vysledok!

    sikovne dievca :)
