
16 August 2011

DIY projects (part 1)

Hi everyone!
Due to my orders I am quite busy and I don’t post too much recently. So please forgive me! I will add more posts very soon. What I want to share with you guys today is DIY projects which are extremely EASY to do and look fabulous. I have already tried to do few of these and it's been such a fun!

!! Please follow links displayed below each project to see full tutorials !!

1. Gift box packaging tutorial
Do you have a problem to find appropriate packaging for gifts sometimes? Make your own packaging! It takes only few minutes!!

How about a puffy boxes? This packaging is perfect for small gifts, such as jewellery, sweets, make up, perfume, cell phone, …

You can find the basic tutorials for “milk box”, puffy boxes and other packaging here!

2. Magnet containers
Give pretty spice or candy containers a new life in seconds by turning them into refrigerator magnets. 

Place a small, powerful magnet inside the back of an empty tin, which makes the tin itself magnetic. (Nonmetallic containers will work if you stick an adhesive magnet on the

3. Flower project
This is quite funny project. All you need is empty toilet rolls (well, you need to start to collect them quickly), scissors, and quality paper glue!

Fold the toilet rolls, cut them into same sized thin strips and qlue every 5 strips together to form a flower. Use cloths pins to hold them together while the glue is drying. After that glue the flowers to each other and create a flowing connected design.

Full flower project tutorial is here.

4. Cherry Blossom Branch
For this project you will need pink paper squares ( I used yellow – which wasn’t great idea, because yellow cherry flowers don’t exist, hehe!  ) tape, scissors, bare branches, vase or frame.

Follow the origami club tutorial to make cherry flowers. Cut your branches to a size that will suit the frame or vase that your will be using. After you have arranged your branches in a vase or frame, attach the folded cherry blossoms to the branches using

You know what is great about this cute cherry blossom branch? It will never dry out!!

5. Painted Wine Bottle Vases
Collect a bunch of bottles and jars in different shapes and sizes and make lovely DIY centerpieces for any occassion!

Find out more about this project here!

Do you like any of these projects? Which one would you like to try?